Thursday, March 7, 2013

OMG!!!! This could be addicting

Well, my friend Leigh, from The Loveleigh Closet helped me get this going.  She told me all about the virtues of # and @; all the pitfalls of not using them enough or in the right place...I can't thank you enough Leigh (and good luck in New York!!)  But I gotta tell you, this could be addicting....I can tell already.  I took a lot of pics of the pieces we'll be putting in the shop and I can't wait to upload them to the blog (happening in just a few minutes).  I was amazed when she showed me how quickly your pics can be liked on Instagram...What?  How did 5 people see it in 3.2 secs...and LIKE it, too??  Awesome stuff!  I hope it doesn't cut into my catching up on Shamless or getting this store off the ground!!

So stay tuned.  A Blogger is Born!

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